Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7 - part 1

Today began with breakfast at 8 as usual, then a short walk to San Marco. There we looked at frescoes by Fra Angelico and the cell of Savonarola. The class then split in two, with one half going to an ivory restorers lab to learn more about that side of art and it's tie to the Renaissance. The class had to be split since all 24 students would not fit in the lab at once.
Those who didn't go on the morning outing went instead to the Duomo and climbed the 463 steps to the summit of the dome. Completed in 1436, the dome remains a remarkable feat of design and engineering. Its span of more than 140 feet exceeds St Paul's in London and St Peter's in Rome, and even outdoes the Capitol in Washington, D.C., making it the largest dome ever constructed using bricks and mortar. On the ascent we saw up close Vasari's fresco begun in 1572, and completed by Federico Zuccaro. It was a tough and claustrophobic climb, but worth it for the view.

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